1997 – 2017

Support Coro Latinoamericano-Pittsburgh

Dear Coro Latinoamericano supporters,

Let me first thank you for choosing to read this letter, and thus for the gift of your time.  Think about it.  Coro Latinoamericano is preparing for a growth spurt: we are striving to recruit members and you could be one. We are also recruiting children for our kids’ choir, CORITO. COROLA is also upgrading our choral presentations in terms of both quality and quantity. Thanks to our new Cuban director, Adrea Araoz, we now sing a capella (with no accompaniment), and performing without accompaniment demands much more precision from singers. In our effort to diversify and increase our audiences, we are presenting four programs this holiday season.

If you ever have seen a child go through a growth spurt, you know the growth required an increase in food.  For Coro Latinoamericano, our food is contributions from those who value what we have to offer.    We have been blessed over the years to have had many wonderful student directors. Now, however, we are privileged to have a director who is not only experienced, but who will be able to work with us for a period of years. This means, however, that we need to offer her compensation commensurate with her experience.  We also wish to hire musicians to accent some of our songs, and to collaborate with other organizations wishing to spread Latin American culture. 

I understand that you are besieged with requests for money at this holiday season. However, I feel that especially in light of recent world events, even a small investment in Coro Latinoamericano gives a high rate of return, since contributions will enable us to pursue our goal of building bridges between the Americas and right here at home. Though all donations are gratefully accepted, I hope you will consider becoming one of our sponsors, insuring greater stability for Coro Latinoamericano in the years to come.  Again, thank you for taking the time to read this letter.  We hope you will invest even more time by attending one of our concerts.  I also thank you in advance for your generosity.


Ceinwen King-Smith
President, Coro Latinoamericano-Pittsburgh

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