Each year, Coro Latinoamericano-Pittsburgh, a 501(C)(3) nonprofit, and one of only few choirs of its kind in the United States, reaches out to the Greater Pittsburgh community and beyond to ask for support in an Annual Appeal Campaign. The income generated by this Appeal helps defray the expense of hiring a professional choir director for both our community choirs, purchasing & providing sheet music & other materials to all choir members, printing & publicity for all our programs, and more.
Some of Coro Latinoamericano’s yearly activities include:
Please read the letter from our choir President, Mrs. Ceinwen King-Smith, and consider a donation to Coro Latinoamericano’s Annual Appeal Campaign.
Every single donation will help Coro Latinoamericano to continue fulfilling its mission of build ing bridges to other peoples and cultures in Pittsburgh and beyond.
Thank you and all the best.